Why Does Elliott Hulse Love Upper Cervical Chiropractic? – 3 min read

Because upper cervical chiropractic increased his deadlift by 15% (60 pounds), immediately following one upper cervical adjustment. He also had a strongman competition the week following his adjustment and stated that he “easily won the competition.” Who is Elliott Hulse? He is an internationally renowned Strength and Conditioning coach, Strongman, Author, Social Media Celebrity, Mentor, …

#1 Overlooked Cause of Back Pain! – 3 min read

So you’ve had it up to here with your back pain.  You’d love to find a safe, long-term solution, so you can get to enjoying your life without being limited by pain. We’re completely with you on that. Have you been told you need massage, ice/heat, physical therapy/exercise, chiropractic, or even medication?.    You’ve likely …

#1 Overlooked Cause of High Blood Pressure! – 4 min read

Before we discuss blood pressure, I’d like to share a foundational concept with you. What do you think is the most important part of your body? Is it your heart?  Your spinal cord? Your brain?  Or, is each part just as important as another? The most important part of your body is your BRAIN. And, …

3 Simple Indicators to Tell if you Have a Head and Neck Misalignment – 3 min read

For this simple exercise, please stand straight in front of a mirror. First, point to each of your ear lobes. Is one side higher than the other? Can you notice if your head is tilting to one side or the other? If so, you may have a head and neck misalignment. Next, look at the …

Suffering from Chronic Back Pain?

Download this perfect guide!