Massage For Stress, Injuries and Auto-Accidents

Immerse Modern Massage is a Portland, Oregon based massage center focused on providing the best massage for auto injuries and tension related migraines and whiplash. They understand that massage can be a powerful tool for healing the body and mind, and their team of highly skilled and certified massage therapists is dedicated to helping the …

The 5 pillars of Health – Version 2

There are 5 primary pillars of health.  Thinking. The physical body is a servant of the mind. Think health and you will increase your chances of being healthy. The more you tell yourself how healthy you are, the more your physical body will take that form. When you think and fear disease and that’s what …

Why the Atlas bone is the most vulnerable

The concept is simple, life kicks you in the neck, gravity is crushing us all, the spine bones will shift out of place which can stretch and pinch the nerves that control us.  Especially the top bone in the neck, the atlas bone, which surrounds your brainstem. The atlas is the most vulnerable bone in …

Chiropractic is about ORGAN Health!

It’s sad because most people think chiropractic is all about the musculoskeletal system, neck and back pain, but what it’s really about is organ health. The same nerves that control the back and neck muscles also control the heart, lungs, liver, and all the other organs in your body that you can’t feel. Unfortunately, …

The EASIEST Way to Understand Chiropractic!

Your brain is THE most important part of your body because it is completely protected by your skull. Your spinal cord is the second most important part of your body because it is heavily protected by 24 individual bones called vertebrae.  The unique thing about each vertebra is that these bones are moveable,  They have …

What is the Most Important Part of Your Body?

Is it your heart? Your brain? Your spinal cord?  Or, is each part just as important as another? We are here to tell you, the most important part of your body is your BRAIN. And, that is not just our opinion—it is a scientific fact. You see, your brain is more protected than any other …

2 Statistics Every American Driver Should Know

1. There is a 100% chance that you will be in a car accident at some point in your lifetime. According to the CDC and car insurance industry experts, the average driver: Has a 5.6% chance that they will be in a car accident this year. Has a 100% chance that they will be in …

The relationship between a car accident and an ‘s-curve’ in your neck?

You’re probably wondering, what is an s-curve? An s-curve when looking at the side of the neck is when the top of the neck is kyphotic, whereas the bottom of the neck is lordotic. Keep in mind a normal neck should be lordotic, or c shaped, the entire way through, from c1-c7. An s-curve is …

10 things that make every car accident worse!

1. Being pregnant. During pregnancy, particularly the first trimester, women release more relaxin. Relaxin is a hormone that essentially relaxes the entire body, loosening the ligaments. The body does this to specifically loosen the pelvic ligaments for an easier delivery. Unfortunately, the pelvic ligaments aren’t the only ligaments that loosen. The ligaments that protect the …

How you should react if you’re about to get rear-ended! – Follow these 5 simple steps.

Some say you should brace yourself, others say you should relax as much as possible. Which is better? Say you’re stopped at a red light, and in your rearview mirror, you see the car behind you isn’t slowing down. You know you’re about to be rear-ended.  How should you react? What you want to do …

Suffering from Chronic Back Pain?

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